Sonntag, 8. Mai 2011

Long time no post & the Brazilian girl #1

Hi guys,
I guess some people are prettty dissapointed that there were no updates lately but there's a reason to it: i broke my knee. So i was sitting at home most of the time...
But today was different i needed to do something otherwise i would go nuts.
So i called aome people and asked what they were up to. Nothing..(Note to self: make new friends!)
So i figured..what should i do today ?
i remembered my neighbor saying that on theres a pretty active group with people meeting up to have drink and stuff..
So i took a peek and someones b-day was on the list at a place called La Chiva. Let's go...

When i arrived i took a look around...It was some kind of Salsa-Bar with a guy on his PC DJing and lots of people having fun. Outside there was a big table with english speaking people, i asked them whether they we're the bday-crowd and they were so i introduced myself and sat down. Next to me is a girl, brazilian...i would say an HB6 nothing so SPECIAL...but when i saw her smile i had to up her to an HB7 she was pretty cute..and she had a proper brailian booty....So that was my target. Next to me some AMOGs which i befriended immediately. Turns out she has a boyfriend, who's noth there...i kino her all the time, we have some really funny conversations going on, she shittested everyone around, but me. We had really LOTS in common so we could talk for HOURS...but soon it became colder so we went inside straight to the bar, i asked her what she drinks, she says she hates beer(that's a plus because i hate beer) and she likes Vodka...(YEAH!!!!!) and she is like and i can drink a lot...In that moment she appeared to me as a suppressed "party girl"...she told me she LOVES to dance, but doesn't because of studying...she likes to have a drink...but her boyfriend desn't like so i dare her to drink three vodka shots in a row. if she'll do it they're on me (i violated one of my rules here because i wanted to know if i'm right)...and what sould i say..she did it without hesitation...
Before we went in we were talking about dancing. I told her that i think you can tell a lot about a person by the way they she wanted to tell me later how she she stormed the floor and dancing...she had nice moves i have to with my broken leg i was just standing on the sidelines, drinking my coke and watching her. I noticed that she tried to iniciiate some moves but the guys didn't get them, so i made mental notes...about 15min into dancing she grabbed my hand and pulled me "Pon da Floor" so i started dancing...on one leg...somehow... i gave my best...(ITS SO FUCKED UP TO HAVE YOUR WHOLE WEIGHT ON ONE LEG AND DANCE!!!!!) but i got EVERY move she tried to iniciiate and started my own :) it was a lot of fun.
When we went outside to cool down she told me i was the best dance partner she ever had...

Soon her friends started gathering everyone to go home so i added her on facebook and got her number.

Lessons learned:
Make more friends(the spontaneous kind of...) is a great way of getting to know people
Brazilian girls are used to kino so you can get really into it....
Don't dance salsa with a broken knee
If you have a chance to look at the dance style of your target do so...

to be continued

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